How To Upload and Manage Inventory Images



To manage or upload your inventory photos, navigate to and click on the Inventory item in the left sidebar menu.



Next enter a VIN, Stock number or select the vehicle you would like to edit in the below listing and click the link text in the Label column.



This will bring you to the vehicle edit menu; where next you will want to click on the tab titled Media in order to access your vehicle photos. If you are already sending photos through your data feed these will appear in this area.



From here you can also upload images directly from your computer desktop, add images already uploaded and available in your Gallery or Manage the order and Primary thumbnail that will show as the main image of the gallery.

You can also Hide rotate and flip the image direct from your Pixel Motion Website in real time. Once you have made your edits you can either click Save Changes to commit your edits or click Undo to revert the changes.



Whatever choice you will still need to click Save & Refresh images to bring your changes live.



To view your edits as they will appear to your customers you can click on the Go to VDP button to quickly be directed to the vehicle details page to make a final assessment.



Please note that all edits are specific to your Pixel Motion website ONLY, and any 3rd party exports, removals or other integrations used outside of our platform will not be affected by these edits!




Still have questions? Give us a call at (949) 515-4447 or email