Updating and Managing Staff


Watch a quick video tutorial above to learn how to Update and Manage Staff Pages



To update your staff page navigate to and click on the staff button towards the bottom of the menu on the left sidebar.

Next you will have the ability to create a general staff page or organize your staff by departments by clicking Add department. For this example we are going to create a general staff page.



Next to add staff members click on add staff.


Here you can add an image, Name, title and contact information as well as an optional welcome video for each team member by entering a hosted video URL from Youtube or Vimeo.

Remember to click Update on the top right corner of the page to bring your staff edits live.



To remove staff members, click on the subtraction symbol on the right side of the staff member you wish to remove. Then click Update to save your changes.



Creating new Departments or a Staff page from scratch.

When you create new departments or are creating a staff page for the first time you will also need to create a physical staff page and link it to the navigation.


To do this once you have created the staff departments discussed in the first half of this tutorial navigate to the pages link on the left side bar and click Add New.


Next title your page and in the Page Builder below click on Add Section.



Select widgets from the list and click on the Widget pull-down menu and search for the staff widget.




You will then need to fill in the Department Name with the EXACT Name of Staff/department you previously created (Please note this will not work properly if these names do not match exactly).




Next scroll down to the Page Type pull-down menu and select the closest option to the page you are creating.



Then click on the blue Publish button on the top right side of the page to bring the page live.



Linking Pages to the Navigation Menu

To link the Staff page to the Navigation Menu, navigate to the Appearance link on the left sidebar and click on Menus. Here you should see your newly created page as a top item under the Most Recent tab, however you can also search by keyword if needed.



Select the page you just created and click Add to Menu. This will add a link to this page as the last item in the navigation bar. You can drag and drop this page anywhere you would like in the navigation menu. Drag to the right slightly to nest this item as a sub menu item.



Click Save Menu and you will now be able to see your staff page live on the navigation menu by navigating to and clicking on the page you just added.